25 відгуків
+380 (67) 842-06-56
+380 (50) 362-20-67
+380 (67) 635-13-69
Запчастини John Deere, Great Plains, KINZE, CLAAS

Колесо 814-545C в зборі Tire / Wheel Assy, 9.5 L x 15, 8 ply 814-230C Great Plains 161-026K скат 814-015C

14 308,64 ₴

  • В наявності
  • Код: 161-026K 161-046K 102-005
Колесо 814-545C в зборі Tire / Wheel Assy, 9.5 L x 15, 8 ply 814-230C Great Plains 161-026K скат 814-015C
Колесо 814-545C в зборі Tire / Wheel Assy, 9.5 L x 15, 8 ply 814-230C Great Plains 161-026K скат 814-015CВ наявності
14 308,64 ₴
  • +380 (67) 842-06-56
    Степан Great Plains, KINZE, John Deere
  • +380 (50) 362-20-67
    Михаил з.ч CLAAS, Fantini, Geringhoff
  • +380 (67) 635-13-69
    Михаил з.ч CLAAS, FANTINI. Geringhoff
  • +380 (67) 842-06-56
    Степан Great Plains, KINZE, John Deere
  • +380 (50) 362-20-67
    Михаил з.ч CLAAS, Fantini, Geringhoff
  • +380 (67) 635-13-69
    Михаил з.ч CLAAS, FANTINI. Geringhoff
повернення товару протягом 14 днів безкоштовно
Part 102-005K (HITCH Transport Wheel & TIRE)
· CPH12 (1994+)-->Transport-->Transport Wheel
· CPH15 (1994+)-->Transport-->Transport Wheel
· CPH20 (1994+)-->Transport-->Transport Wheel
· CDH12, CDH14, CDH15 & CDH20 (1985-1990)-->Section Information-->Transport Frame Assembly
· 2N-2410 (1995+)-->Miscellaneous-->Auxiliary Axle
· 2N-3010 (1995+)-->Miscellaneous-->Auxiliary Axle


· 3S-3000-->Gauge Wheels-->Single Gauge Wheel
· 3S-3000F-->Gauge Wheels-->Single Gauge Wheel
· 3S-3000-->Gauge Wheels-->Dual Gauge Wheel (S/N S3199-)
· 3S-3000F-->Gauge Wheels-->Dual Gauge Wheel (S/N S3199-)
· 2S-2600F-->Gauge Wheels-->Single Gauge Wheel
· 2S-2600F-->Gauge Wheels-->Dual Gauge Wheel
· 2S-HD 2600-->Gauge Wheels-->Dual Gauge Wheel
· 2S-HD 2600-->Gauge Wheels-->Single Gauge Wheel
· 3S-3000 HDF-->Gauge Wheels-->Dual Gauge Wheel (S/N S3199-)
· 3S-3000 HDF-->Gauge Wheels-->Single Gauge Wheel
· 3S-3000-->Gauge Wheels-->Dual Gauge Wheel (S/N S3200+)
· 3S-3000F-->Gauge Wheels-->Dual Gauge Wheel (S/N S3200+)
· 3S-3000 HDF-->Gauge Wheels-->Dual Gauge Wheel (S/N S3200+)
· ADI345 (1995+)-->Gauge Wheels-->Wheel And Bolt Hub
· ADI334 (1995+)-->Gauge Wheels-->Wheel And Bolt Hub
· 3SF36 (1986+)-->Gauge Wheels-->Non-Drive Gauge Wheel Assembly (1/1986-11/1992)
· 3SF45 (1986+)-->Gauge Wheels-->Non-Drive Gauge Wheel Assembly (1/1986-11/1992)
· 3SF36 (1986+)-->Gauge Wheels-->Drive Gauge Wheel Assembly (12/1992-8/1995)
· 3SF45 (1986+)-->Gauge Wheels-->Drive Gauge Wheel Assembly (12/1992-8/1995)
· 3SF36 (1986+)-->Gauge Wheels-->Lock Out Hub Single Drive Assembly
· 3SF45 (1986+)-->Gauge Wheels-->Lock Out Hub Single Drive Assembly
· 3SF36 (1986+)-->Gauge Wheels-->Non-Drive Gauge Wheel Assembly (11/1992+)
· 3SF45 (1986+)-->Gauge Wheels-->Non-Drive Gauge Wheel Assembly (11/1992+)
· 3SF36 (1986+)-->Gauge Wheels-->Drive Gauge Wheel W/Lock Out Assembly (8/1995+)
· 3SF45 (1986+)-->Gauge Wheels-->Drive Gauge Wheel W/Lock Out Assembly (8/1995+)
· 1515 Soybean Machine-->Gauge Wheels and Drives-->Single Gauge Wheel
· 2015 Soybean Machine-->Gauge Wheels and Drives-->Single Gauge Wheel
· 2515 Soybean Machine-->Gauge Wheels and Drives-->Single Gauge Wheel
· 1515 Soybean Machine-->Gauge Wheels and Drives-->Dual Gauge Wheel
· 2015 Soybean Machine-->Gauge Wheels and Drives-->Dual Gauge Wheel
· 2515 Soybean Machine-->Gauge Wheels and Drives-->Dual Gauge Wheel
· 1515 Soybean Machine-->Gauge Wheels and Drives-->Dual Non-Drive Gauge Wheel
· 2015 Soybean Machine-->Gauge Wheels and Drives-->Dual Non-Drive Gauge Wheel
· 2515 Soybean Machine-->Gauge Wheels and Drives-->Dual Non-Drive Gauge Wheel
· 1515 Soybean Machine-->Gauge Wheels and Drives-->Single Non-Drive Gauge Wheel
· 2015 Soybean Machine-->Gauge Wheels and Drives-->Single Non-Drive Gauge Wheel
· 2515 Soybean Machine-->Gauge Wheels and Drives-->Single Non-Drive Gauge Wheel
· 1515 Soybean Machine-->Lift Assist-->Lift Assist Caster Wheels
· 2015 Soybean Machine-->Lift Assist-->Lift Assist Caster Wheels
· 2515 Soybean Machine-->Lift Assist-->Lift Assist Caster Wheels
· 2015P Precision Bean Machine-->Lift Assist-->Caster Wheels
· 2515P Precision Bean Machine-->Lift Assist-->Caster Wheels
· 3SF30 (1991-1995)-->Section Information-->Non-Drive Hub (200-027S)
· 3SF30 (1991-1995)-->Section Information-->Lock-Out Hub
· YP925TD-->Transport-->Lift Assist
· 3S-3000-->Gauge Wheels-->Dual Gauge Wheel (S/N S3200+)
· 3S-3000F-->Gauge Wheels-->Dual Gauge Wheel (S/N S3200+)
· 3S-3000 HDF-->Gauge Wheels-->Dual Gauge Wheel (S/N S3200+)
Part 814-230C (TIRE/WHEEL 9.5LX15 8 PLY WHITE)
· 7344FC R H-->Section 3: Transport-->Wing Walking Beam
· 7560FC R H-->Section 3: Transport-->Inside Wing Walking Beam Assembly
· 7560FC R H-->Section 3: Transport-->Outside Wing Walking Beam Assembly
· 7344FC F H-->Section 3: Transport-->Wing Walking Beam Assembly
· 6320FC R H-->Section 3: Transport-->6318 & 6320 Wing Transport Assembly
· 6328FC R H-->Section 3: Transport-->Wing Walking Beam Assembly
· 6332FC R H-->Section 3: Transport-->Inside Wing Walking Beam
· 6539FC R H-->Section 3: Transport-->Inside Wing Walking Beam
· 6544FC R H-->Section 3: Transport-->Inside Wing Walking Beam
· 6320FC F H-->Section 3: Transport-->6318 & 6320 Wing Transport Assembly
· 6328FC F H-->Section 3: Transport-->Wing Walking Beam Assembly
· 6332FC F H-->Section 3: Transport-->Caster Wheel Assembly
· 6539FC F H-->Section 3: Transport-->Caster Wheel Assembly
· 6544FC F H-->Section 3: Transport-->Caster Wheel Assembly
· 6332FC F H-->Section 3: Transport-->Inside Wing Walking Beam
· 6539FC F H-->Section 3: Transport-->Inside Wing Walking Beam
· 6544FC F H-->Section 3: Transport-->Inside Wing Walking Beam
· 2335SC-->Section 3: Transport-->Transport Assembly
· 5110DV-->Section 3: Transport-->Center Transport, 5110DV & 5315DV (Standard Hub)
· 5315DV-->Section 3: Transport-->Center Transport, 5110DV & 5315DV (Standard Hub)
· 5110DV-->Section 3: Transport-->Center Transport, 5110DV & 5315DV (Opt Heavy Hub)
· 5315DV-->Section 3: Transport-->Center Transport, 5110DV & 5315DV (Opt Heavy Hub)
· 6328DV-->Section 3: Transport-->Wing Walking Beam Assembly
· 6542DV-->Section 3: Transport-->Wing Walking Beam Assembly
· 7336DV-->Section 3: Transport-->Wing Walking Beam Assembly
· 7552DV-->Section 3: Transport-->Wing Walking Beam Assembly



ВиробникGreat Plains
Країна виробникСША
Тип технікиСільськогосподарська техніка
Тип запчастиниОригінал
Код запчастини814-230С
Інформація для замовлення
  • Ціна: 14 308,64 ₴

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