25 відгуків
+380 (67) 842-06-56
+380 (50) 362-20-67
+380 (67) 635-13-69
Запчастини John Deere, Great Plains, KINZE, CLAAS

Диск A52391 висівній 40 осередків з/ч John Deere SEED DISK For Great Maize А52391

1 708,58 ₴

  • В наявності
  • Код: 52391 A52391 А52391
Диск A52391 висівній 40 осередків з/ч John Deere SEED DISK For Great Maize А52391
Диск A52391 висівній 40 осередків з/ч John Deere SEED DISK For Great Maize А52391В наявності
1 708,58 ₴
  • +380 (67) 842-06-56
    Степан Great Plains, KINZE, John Deere
  • +380 (50) 362-20-67
    Михаил з.ч CLAAS, Fantini, Geringhoff
  • +380 (67) 635-13-69
    Михаил з.ч CLAAS, FANTINI. Geringhoff
  • +380 (67) 842-06-56
    Степан Great Plains, KINZE, John Deere
  • +380 (50) 362-20-67
    Михаил з.ч CLAAS, Fantini, Geringhoff
  • +380 (67) 635-13-69
    Михаил з.ч CLAAS, FANTINI. Geringhoff
повернення товару протягом 14 днів безкоштовно

Диски A42586 висівні, 40 отв PROMAX 40 FLAT DISK

Seed Plate A52391 Seed Disks for Vacuum Seed Meters

Для крупносім'яний кукурудзи
2290 ― 7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments ― 28Jun11
2536 ― MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments ― 30Oct15
6092 ― 1750 MaxEmerge XP Drawn Planter (for South Africa) ― 31Oct15 ( ES )
6098 ― 1740 MaxEmerge XP Planter (Mexico) ― 20Feb15 ( ES )
6127 ― 1745 Rigid Frame Planter (South America Edition) ― 17Sep15 ( ES )
6132 ― 1745 CIS Planter (Russian Edition) ― 24Oct15 ( UA )
6134 ― 1035 Planter (Mexico Edition) ― 21Aug15 ( ES TR )
6146 ― 1745 Drawn MaxEmerge 5 Planter (Russia Edition) ― 25Oct15 ( UA )
8682 ― DB50, DB74, DB90 (DB Series)(S. N. 740101- )Planter (South American Edition) ― 24Apr15 ( PT )
9230 ― Pro Series Row Planting Unit ― 26Oct15
9464 ― Planters 2109, 2111, 2113, 2115, 2117, 2122, 2126, 2130 and 2134 VACUMETER and RadialMeter (S. N. -099999)(South American) ― 25Oct15 ( PT ES )
9478 ― MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments ― 28Oct15 ( RU-ES )
9479 ― Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S. N. 710101- ) ― 24Oct15 ( RU-ES )
11029 ― 1700 Twin Row Planter ― 30Oct15
11030 ― DB74C Convertible Planter (30/45/48 Rows, 70/50/45cm spacing) ― 19Feb15 ( ES PT )
11547 ― DB50C Convertible Planter (20/31/32 Rows, 76/50/45cm spacing) ― 17Sep15 ( PT )
11998 ― DB50 Planter (20/31/32 Row, 76/50/45cm spacing)(South America Edition) (Manufactured in Brazil) ― 25Oct15 ( ES PT )
11999 ― DB74 Planter (30/45/48 Row, 76/50/45cm spacing) (South America Edition) (Manufactured in Brazil) ― 24Oct15 ( PT ES )
12229 ― 1705 Integral Planter (S. N. 760101- ) ― 12Aug15 ( FR PT )
12230 ― 1705 Twin Row Planter (S. N. 760101- ) ― 21Aug15 ( PT )
12231 ― 1715 Vertical Fold Planter (S. N. 760101- ) ― 21Aug15
12232 ― 1725 Stack Fold Planter (S. N. 760101- ) ― 21Jun15
12233 ― 1725 CCS Stack Fold Planter (S. N. 760101- ) ― 29Oct15
12234 ― 1725 CCS Twin Row Planter (S. N. 760101- ) ― 21Aug15
12235 ― 1735 Narrow Row Integral Planter (S. N. 760101- ) ― 22Aug15 ( ES )
12236 ― 1755 Conservation Planter (S. N. 760101- ) ― 20Aug15 ( FR ES )
12237 ― 1765 Drawn Conservation Planter (S. N. 760101- ) ― 20Aug15
12238 ― 1765NT Conservation Planter (S. N. 760101- ) ― 20Aug15
12239 ― 1775 Flex-Fold Planter (S. N. 760101- ) ― 21Aug15
12240 ― 1775NT Narrow Transport 12-Row Planter (S. N. 760101- ) ― 27Oct15 ( FR )
12241 ― 1785 Narrow Row Planter (S. N. 760101- ) ― 20Aug15 ( UA )
12242 ― 1795 Front Fold Planter (S. N. 760101- ) ― 26Oct15 ( FR )
12243 ― DB Series Planter (DB44, DB58, DB60, DB66, DB80, DB88, DB90)(S. N. 760101- ) ― 28Jun15 ( ES )
12244 ― Deere Orthman Planter (DR12, DR16, DR18, DR24)(S. N. 760101- ) ― 29Jun15
12248 ― 1775NT Narrow Transport 16-Row Planter (S. N. 760101- ) ― 24Oct15 ( FR )
12249 ― 1775NT Narrow Transport 24-Row Planter (S. N. 760101- ) ― 26Oct15 ( FR )
12361 ― 1107 Planter (1100 Series)(S. N. 100000- )(South American Edition) ― 04Nov15 ( ES PT )
12362 ― 1109 Planter (1100 Series)(S. N. 100000- )(South America Edition) ― 04Nov15 ( PT ES )
12363 ― 1111 Planter (1100 Series)(S. N. 100000- )(South America Edition) ― 04Nov15 ( ES PT )
12364 ― 1113 Planter (1100 Series)(S. N. 100000- )(South America Edition) ― 04Nov15 ( PT ES )
12365 ― 2113 Planter (S. N. 100000- )(South America Edition) ― 04Nov15 ( ES PT )
12366 ― 2115 Planter (S. N. 100000- )(South American Edition) ― 04Nov15 ( ES PT )
12367 ― 2117 Planter (S. N. 100000- )(South America Edition) ― 04Nov15 ( ES PT )
12368 ― 2122 Planter (S. N. 100000- )(South America Edition) ― 04Nov15 ( ES PT )
12369 ― 2126 Planter (S. N. 100000- )(South America Edition) ― 04Nov15 ( ES PT )
12370 ― 2130 Planter (S. N. 100000- )(South America Edition) ― 04Nov15 ( PT ES )
12371 ― 2134 Planter (S. N. 100000- )(South American Edition) ― 04Nov15 ( ES PT )
12372 ― DB50 Planter (S. N. 100000- )(31/32 Row, 50/45cm spacing)(South America Edition)
12373 ― DB74 Planter (S. N. 100000- )(45/48 Row, 50/45cm spacing) (South America Edition) (Brazil) ―
12437 ― Deere Orthman DR8T Twin Row Planter (North American Edition) ― 25Apr15 ( ES )
12554 ― DB40 Planter ― 28Oct15 ( ES PT )
12595 ― DB60T Planter (North American Edition) ― 30Oct15
12614 ― DB60 Planter (24 Rows, 30-Inch Spacing) (S. N. 755001- ) (North American Edition) ― 28Oct15
12615 ― DB60 Planter (47 Rows, 15-Inch Spacing) (S. N. 755001- ) (North American Edition) ― 25Oct15
12616 ― DB60 Planter (36 Rows, 20-Inch Spacing) (S. N. 755001- ) (North American Edition) ― 27Oct15
12684 ― DB90 Planter (36 Row, 30-Inch Spacing)(S. N. 755001- )(North America Edition) ― 28Oct15
12685 ― DB44 Planter (24 Row, 22-Inch Spacing)(S. N. 755001- )(North America Edition) ― 30Oct15
12686 ― DB66 Planter (36 Row, 22-Inch Spacing)(S. N. 755001- )(North America Edition) ― 26Oct15
12687 ― DB80 Planter (32 Row, 30-Inch Spacing)(S. N. 755001- )(North America Edition) ― 25Oct15
12688 ― DB80 Planter (48 Row, 20-Inch Spacing)(S. N. 755001- )(North America Edition) ― 26Oct15
12689 ― DB88 Planter (48 Row, 22-Inch Spacing)(S. N. 755001- )(North America Edition) ― 25Oct15
12690 ― DB120 Planter (48 Row, 30-Inch Spacing)(S. N. 755001- )(North America Edition) ― 31Oct15
12800 ― DB90 Planter (54 Row, 20-Inch Spacing)(North America Edition) ― 28Oct15

7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC2290 7200 - СІВАЛКА, ПРИСТАВКА
7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC2290 7300 - СІВАЛКА
7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC2290 1760 - СІВАЛКА, ПРИСТРІЙ
7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC2290 1780 - СІВАЛКА, ПРИСТРІЙ
7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC2290 1760 - СІВАЛКА, ПРИСТАВКА
7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC2290


ВиробникJohn Deere
Країна виробникСША
Тип технікиСільськогосподарська техніка
Тип запчастиниОригінал
Код запчастиниA52391
Інформація для замовлення
  • Ціна: 1 708,58 ₴

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